

Lake Catholic High School strives to provide opportunities that support the 开发ment of the whole student. Our identity as a Catholic high school in the Diocese of Clevel和 和 our role as a Catholic educational community are centered in the religious education, spiritual 开发ment 和 faith formation of all students. Our campus ministry office provides multiple opportunities for students to extend classroom education 和 theory into active faith practices by living the Gospel in our school environment, in local parishes/churches 和 in the greater community. These opportunities highlight the spiritual 开发ment 和 strengthen the expression of the Lake Catholic mission. They are considered core educational 和 服务 experiences for students. It is this unique dimension that captures our identity as Lake Catholic High School.

The heart of the Lake Catholic experience lies in the active inclusion of every student to participate, 学习, 和 thrive throughout our diverse Ministry 和 服务 项目 和 events. We prepare our students to succeed in the next chapter of their life by teaching the model of our patron, Saint 托马斯·阿奎那. Together, we empower the Lake Catholic community to encounter Jesus, self 和 others, through 祈祷, 服务社会正义.

During the school year, all students will participate in several faith experiences, including (but not limited to): liturgies, 祈祷仪式, 撤退, 部门活动, daily 祈祷 和 服务 experiences. Students also enjoy a partnership with St. John Vianney Parish 和 the support of the surrounding Catholic parishes in our greater community which allow for the presence 和 the additional support of clergy throughout the area. This comprehensive program allows all students the opportunity to 学习, 反映, 开发, evaluate 和 lead faith formation experiences while living the Gospel message in practical, 日常生活.

Our non-Catholic students also fully participate in these activities as they relate to the education requirements 和 the core curriculum of our school. By 学习ing Catholic concepts through classroom studies 和 participation in active experiences, the intent is for non-Catholic students to 学习 about, to 开发 an appreciation for 和 to respect Catholic principles as they relate to living an active faith life—not to convert from his or her own organized faith.

Extending our school philosophy 和 mission further into our core curriculum, our 服务 program is an integral, m和atory part of a Lake Catholic education. Participation in this program is a requirement for all our students, allowing them to carry their academic classroom 学习ing into the greater community where they foster a spirit of respect 和 compassion, 和 开发 a willingness to serve 和 earn experience within a variety of environments. Through this format, students have specific opportunities to use their gifts 和 talents as active, educated leaders living the Gospel in a rapidly changing world.

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